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Adult Detention Center

The Adult Detention Center houses persons charged or convicted of crimes of all levels within Goodhue County. We also hold boarded detainees from other jurisdiction which may be experiencing overcrowding or have a detainee with special needs that can not be accommodated by that jurisdiction. Any person convicted of a crime with a sentence greater than one year would typically be transferred to a state facility.

The Goodhue County Adult Detention Center (ADC) can hold up to 90 men and women. Juveniles are transported to specialized facilities and are not held in the ADC. The ADC is a state of the art facility with modern computerized control and surveillance systems. The facility consists of six housing units. Each unit has multiple cells on two levels with a central common area (dayroom) for meals and socializing and a secure outdoor day area located adjacent to the secure housing unit that allows the detainees to get some fresh air and sun weather permitting.


We take appointments for onsite video visitation.

Schedule Video Visitation
Video Visitation Instructions

The entrance to the visiting area is on the second floor of the lobby of the Law Enforcement Center. There is an elevator and the visiting area is handicap accessible.

Detainee Mail and Email

Detainees can send and receive mail. Send mail to “Name of Detainee” at the Goodhue County Adult Detention Center. If you are mailing “funds” to a detainee please do not send personal checks. We accept only Money Orders, Certified Bank or Teller Checks, and Cash. We also can not accept pre-stamped return envelopes or stamps, photocopies of any kind, or any computer print-outs.

Staff WILL NOT take messages by phone to pass along to detainees. If you are looking to get a message to a detainee, you can send them an email e-message by going to Securus.

Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Services

Inmates in custody at the Goodhue County ADC will be provided full and equal access to services and programs. The Goodhue County ADC will provide detainees effective auxiliary aids and services that will permit deaf and hard-of-hearing inmates to have the ability to communicate with people outside of the jail. The Goodhue County ADC has policies and procedures in place that it will provide appropriate auxiliary aids (including ASL interpreters, VRS, and Video Remote Interpreting) to allow effective communication with all deaf and hard-of-hearing inmates. Sign language, oral interpreters, video remote interpreting, videophones, texting, and other auxiliary services are available to deaf and hard-of-hearing inmates free of charge.

The Goodhue County ADC will not retaliate against, or coerce in any way, any person who exercises or attempts to exercise his or her rights to services and programs while in custody.

If you need help or have any questions, please contact Lieutenant Cory Gagnon at 651-267-2807.

Credit Card Fund Deposits for Detainees

Credit Card deposits are available for detainees online by going to Inmate Canteen. Also available: Inmate Canteen Mobile for Apple and Android devices.

Credit Card and cash deposits are available at the Adult Detention Center in the yellow Customer Service Kiosk in the lobby.

Posting Bail

Posting Bail for those incarcerated or posting warrant bond amount.

Please note: If this service is used, it is the responsibility of the party bailed to contact the County issuing the warrant(s) Court system to establish a court date and provide a current address/phone number. Failure to do so will result in a failure to appear and another warrant being issued.

Detainee Phone Privilege

Detainees have access to a phone system during regular out of cell periods that allows them to make collect or debit calls to family and friends. Detainees are not permitted to receive phone calls.


(Victim Information Notification Everyday)

The Minnesota State Victim Notification Service (VINE) is a service through which victims of crime can use the telephone or Internet to search for information regarding their offender’s custody status and register to receive telephone and e-mail notification when the offender’s custody status changes. This service is brought to you by your local Sheriff. The VINE toll-free number for Minnesota VINE is 1-877-664-8463 or register online.

Do not depend solely on the VINE Service for your protection. If you feel that you may be at risk, take precautions as if the offender has already been released.

Contact Us


Law Enforcement Center
430 W. 6th St.
Red Wing, MN 55066


911 - Emergency
651-385-3155 - Non Emergency
651-267-2804 - General Information


Visiting Hours
Monday - Friday
8:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Monday and Wednesday
6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Holiday Closures

Goodhue County Government Center
509 W. 5th St.
Red Wing, MN 55066
Building Map
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