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GIS Users Group (GCUG)

The mission of this group is to serve as a forum for Goodhue County area public and private entities to share information, ideas, and strategies utilizing geospatial data and to form strategic partnerships to better utilize this data to promote community and economic development throughout the region.


For more information regarding the users group meetings please contact Alan Laumeyer.



Starting in November 2006, Goodhue County Geographic Information Systems (GIS) staff contacted representatives from each of the municipalities within Goodhue County as well as the Prairie Island Indian Community (PIIC) and Goodhue County Cooperative Electric. Goodhue County proposed to form a county-wide GIS users group, which would include a cost-sharing agreement. The group of representatives continued to meet and discuss the initiative until early summer in 2007. County staff then presented to different councils and boards from August through October 2007 regarding the Users Group formation and the cost-sharing agreement. The Users Group license agreement officially took effect on January 2nd, 2008.


For more information about the Goodhue County GIS Users Group, please contact Alan Laumeyer, the GIS Specialist at 651-385-3094.


GeoHub GIS Users Group (GCUG) Department Home
Goodhue County Government Center
509 W. 5th St.
Red Wing, MN 55066
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